Episode 15: Comedic Lives Matter
I babble about awkward BLM moment at the Emmys, french movies, and jail.

Episode 8: … And Then, He Went To The Open Mic
Hey guys, feel I owe you guys an apology for last weeks episode. I was hella sleepy, in part because I took three cbd gummies and there was a tropical storm going down. Regardless, I felt I was sub par that episode. I admit I’m my own worst critic. A buddy of mine loved it, so what the hell do I know?
So, now. Here and now is this episode I talk about being a coffee sales guy, a young raincoat sales kid I knew in hiiiiiiiiiiiiigh school, doing stand-up in the park, and NYC bailing out escorts. Big announcement on this episode too, listen to get the deets!

Episode 7: Haaaaaash Gummies
This is coming to you late cause I’m doing a job and hitting mics. We were going through a tropical super storm, so if I sound drowsy to you, blame it on the rain! Today I talk about random stuffish like asshole homeless people, and trying CBD gummies for the first time eeeeeeeever! Gowski makes an appearance at the end.

Episode 6: My Kind of Cancer
Today, I ramble about Deblasio, cops, Nick Cannon’s thing, cancel culture, and how I want to beat up a football mascot.

Episode 5: No Tommy, It’s A Pelican!
Hey guys!
Posting this later in the day, started new job this morning. So spent, but feeling groovy. This episode I ramble about visiting fam in Maryland, flamingos verses pelicans, and making meatballs. I’m realizing these pods being two weeks late really doesn’t keep you up to date, stay tuned might bang out two a week if there is a demand. I don’t know. I’ll see how I feel.

Episode 3: Guy Walks Into A Deli And Orders A BLT
Hey tommets!
Today, I ramble about job interviewing, Sirius XM, and BLT’s.

Episode 01: Breakfast All Day
Tommy Smart makes his daily debut on A Really Smart Podcast, Featuring his guest Christian Ladigoski, talking about how delicious a New York bacon egg and cheese sandwich is and more!